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Case Study

3D Printed Parts for 5-axis Milling Machine


Albert Tmmerman has retrofitted an old machine to fit the needs of his company. Different CNC controller and servo engines are a few of the modifications which were made. However, there was still something else to be done.

When Albert Timmerman came to Vekashape looking for help, the only thing keeping the machine from operating smoothly was the lack of the end stop parts for the roller guides, which got damaged. These parts are very precise and small. Their job is to keep the rollers on the guide.

Albert asked us at Vekashape if we could print these end stop parts for him. Of course we were more than happy to be of service. A-T-Products sent a 3D step file of the part. We converted the step file into a highly accurate STL file. The file was then converted into a G-Code in SOFTSHAPER software. The G-Code file was made for the VSHAPER SINGLE 3D printer – says Honorata Mirańska Verbunt from Vekashape.

The SOFTSHAPER software takes into account shrinkage of the material. Due to the size of the parts we used a small print nozzle with a diameter of 0.2mm. Now we printed at 0.05 mm layer thickness. With these settings we could achieve a highly accurate 3D Print of the model – adds Honorata Mirańska Verbunt.

The five axis machine is now programmed with Edgecam CAD/CAM software.

The printed parts fitted perfectly, the milling machine is fully operational – says Albert Timmerman, owner and founder of A-T-Products.

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